Broadway Everyday Star Theater (BEST) is a community theater for kids, teens and adults. BEST provides growth and knowledge through the art of theater. We are an all-inclusive community theater; many of our actors and stage crew are students with special needs. We do not reject anyone. If the actor wants to perform on stage, we accept. If they are more comfortable working backstage, we also accept. We are unlike most community theaters where you are either in the show or the director does not accept you.
The actors and crew learn about acting, improv, makeup, stage presence, costume design, set building, backstage production (lights, stage manager, sound booth) and much more. The actors also learn and perform video trailers, behind-the-scenes videos and more.
In this episode of the ARTS AXIS FLORIDA Podcast, we are joined by Katie Welch and Amanda Schapiro from Broadway Everyday Star Theater to discuss how their organization works with students of all ages to create an all-inclusive experience that allows them to dive into the many different aspects of theater production.
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